The administrations meetings: an unavoidable step for a successful project

The SAAM project connects 32 partners based in 25 different countries from Europe and Africa. Such a complex and spread partnership has to necessarily aim for a neat organization and coordination. As a project of this scope requires, SAAM relies on a hard work in administration and accounting. Every step taken in terms of the administration plan in SAAM aims at complying with SAAM’s  funding body AU-EU Partnership.

This is why last June administration meetings were carried out in order to clarify to the different participants of the project the administrative tasks in detail. It is important to be sure that every partner understands correctly the assigned tasks and the way the expenses within SAAM have to be justified, so as to reach the highest level of accountability and transparency.

Administration meetings were a powerful platform for answering all the financial concerns

These meetings were also the perfect opportunity to answer to the different matters that the partnership had, regarding the particularities of each countries regulations and the role of every partner involved. Thus Estela Arkarazo, who is in charge of the administrational and financial aspects of the project, spent privileged time with the representatives of SAAM’ partnership in a closer committee, to address these specific issues.

In total, there were five meetings conducted between the 25th of May and the 10th of June: one for the European partners, a second for the anglophone Africans partners, a third one for the francophone Africans partners, a specific meeting for the Work Package Leaders and a last meeting with DBTA, as it is a huge umbrella organization for the participating Don Bosco African schools.

Several questions came up during the meetings, as the different members of SAAM don’t have to deal with the same issues. For example, there were some concerns regarding currency exchange and taxes, as well as for some of the countries involved was important to have translated documents to be able to use them at a local level.

These meetings are an important step to make sure that the project complies with the very well detailed administration plan submitted to the funding bodies. A good organization is key, to be sure that every partner will carefully take over their administrative duties.

This is one of the specific meetings that have been conceive to complement the online Kick Off Meeting, in order to clarify the specific guidelines of the project regarding Communication, Administration and Quality.

This is one of the meetings that have been conceive to clarify the specific guidelines of the project regarding Communication, Administration and Quality.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union, under the Africa-EU partnership. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union

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